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Playing Battle Boards

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Game Information: Battle Boards

Description: Battle Boards is a high speed board riding game where you have to race against two tough opponents in the city landscapes, start race and go through the raps to perform wicked tricks, use arrow key to steer and X + Arrow key to do some tricks, after trick you'll get extra boost. Collect weapons like blaster, motar and roller to use it to shoot. Z + arrow key to start grab, then press any arrow key to release. Use R- Key to reset back on course, O to quit option and Enter to totally restart to current run. Your work way decides to open bronze, silver and gold races to unlock.

Instructions: Follow instruction inside the game.


joseph05 - Mar 08 2015 @ 04:55:24
Original post by frankcool | Sep 02 2014 @ 19:12:48
this game is the worst I've seen in my life
gl,f,pfg ,p,php,pr,hpt,tpk,th,h,pt,th,p[ ,thp,pd,fhpdf,hpdfderh,p]df ,dfpdfm,dph,dp,dfdfh,pdf,pdf,hpdf,dp,dfpdt,pp,g,pfgmgfpofgp[mppmhmdp[mdpdfmpdfhdfmdhfmdfomfdo[smkmkmkmkmkmkuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyjuyju
ghania - Sep 20 2014 @ 18:42:05
ghania - Sep 20 2014 @ 18:38:26
im from algerien am not spikz veri englich
frankcool - Sep 02 2014 @ 19:12:48
this game is the worst I've seen in my life
CeeJewel - Feb 20 2014 @ 14:19:36
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