Reverse Car Race is another car racing game, but this time it's quite different than the regular car racing game because here in this racing game you have to drive and race against your opponent in reverse direction which make game more interesting. To drive and control your car in a reverse direction, you have to use arrow keys. There are total 5 reverse car racing driver who are competing with you in this game, in order to complete the level and to unlock the next racing track it's important to end your race on a position of 3rd, 2nd or 1st. Drive as fast as you can and reach the checkpoint to get extra time, complete all checkpoints and clear the level. Score points for the rank you achieve in the level, get extra points as a bonus.
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A recent discovery has been unearthed where it points the location a year-old treasure hidden by the Freemasons. Recent archeological digs have been activated ever since the discovery was made public. One particular archelogist finds himself in a series of puzzles, which he believes was left by the Freemasons as a security measure for people looking ofr hte treasure. Determined to find it, he now needs your help to solve each puzzle and reach the treasure before anyone else does.