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Playing Air Transporter

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Game Information: Air Transporter

Description: It's like a puzzle game, Control a high-power transport helicopter to grab the container and placed them exactly in the designated spot! You have to put out fires as you try move objects, construct buildings and complete other tasks. Handle all sorts of container as you go from one level to another. You will ask to choose whether you would like to use the keyboard or the mouse to control the chopper. You can then press the S button to lower your ropes down and link them to black anchors on the box and move them to the moving truck.

Instructions: Mouse control (recommended) Use Mouse to control helicopter. Left Mouse Click to drop cargo or X. Keyboard control Use ARROW keys to control helicopter. Common controls Hold SHIFT key to activate free camera view. Q/E = Shift Left/Right rope UP or press W for both. A/D = Shift Left/Right rope DOWN or press S for both. Z/C = Release cargo from Left/Right rope or press X for both. Press SPACE to equalize ropes length.


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